The State of Alaska, in partnership with the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC), has implemented a process and tracking mechanism for its Healthy Alaskans 2030 State Health Improvement Plan. The Healthy Alaskans scorecards show trends for each of the health objectives for a single point in time over a 10-year time span, starting with the most current data that was available in 2020. New scorecards are published on the Healthy Alaskans website as new data becomes available. These two scorecards show the progress on HA2030 health objectives for All Alaskans and Alaska Native people.
Target Met is when a health objective
has met or exceeded the target; it is marked with a blue
If a health
objective has not met the target but has moved towards the target and
has improved at least 1% over baseline, it is marked as
Improving and denoted with a yellow arrow.
A health objective is considered Not
Improving when the objective is moving away from the target and
is marked with a gray box.
The figure below shows the number of health objectives and their current status for All Alaskans as of December 2023. Of the 29 objectives, 3 have met the target, 8 have improved, and 18 have not improved. Please note the health objective goals span a 10-year period and the figure to the left only provides information for a single point in time. Due to data availability, health objective 26 is not available for the All Alaskans Scorecard.
The figure below shows the number of health objectives and their current status for the Alaska Native population as of December 2023. Of the 23 objectives, 1 has met the target, 9 have improved, and 13 have not improved. Please note the health objective goals span a 10-year period and the figure to the left only provides information for a single point in time. Due to data availability, health objectives 2, 3, 10, 20, 24, 26, and 29 are not available for the Alaska Native Scorecard.
The tables below provide the details on the 30 objectives for Alaska as a whole as well as for the Alaska Native population. Due to data availability, health objectives 2, 3, 10, 20, 24, 26, and 29 are not available for the Alaska Native Scorecard. Objective 26 is also not available for the All Alaskans Scorecard at this point in time. The baseline year and current year is listed beneath the respective data point. For additional information, please see the technical notes after the tables.
How to use these tables:
Choose the columns you’d like to see using the Data View drop down menu.
Columns can be moved by dragging them to any position.
The Health Objective column is searchable.
The Progress Text column can be filtered by progress status.
Columns can be sorted alphabetically or numerically using the arrow buttons next to the column name.
The table can be downloaded an an Excel file.
Note the Progress Icon and Sparkline columns do not show any images when either scorecard is exported as an Excel file.
For the December 2023 release, the definition of “Improving” was updated from “any movement toward the target” to “if a health objective has moved toward the target and has improved at least 1% over baseline.”
All data points for Health Objective #4, that is the percentage of women who receive prenatal care beginning in the first trimester, were updated in the December 2023 release due a change in methodology.
The formal definitions, the data sources, and the calculations for each health objective can be found under the Data Sources tab on the Healthy Alaskans website.
To learn more about how the health objectives and targets were selected, please visit the home page of the Healthy Alaskans website.
In both tables, relative % change is calculated. Relative % change is calculated as follows: \[\frac{Current\: Data - Baseline\: Data}{Baseline\: Data} \times 100.\]
Relative % change allows for comparison between objectives as the unit of measure for the objectives differs (e.g. percentages versus rates per 100,000 people). Please note some of the targets for the objectives aim for a reduction and some objectives aim for an increase. Therefore, a negative relative % change would reflect improvement for an objective that aims to reduce a health-related outcome in the population.
The HA2030 scorecards were created using R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23 ucrt). The arrow icon was created by Creative Stall Premium on Flaticon and the star icon comes from the Healthy Alaskans logo. All three icons were updated by the Alaska Native Epidemiology Center at ANTHC.
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