Protective factors are important environmental and community characteristics that can help decrease the effects of traumatic life events on an individual’s wellbeing. In addition, protective factors help reduce the risks for adverse mental and behavioral health outcomes, suicide, unintentional injury, and substance abuse. Progress towards increasing protective factors will influence many of the other HA2030 plan outcomes, including long term mental health and substance misuse outcomes, injury prevention rates, and suicide mortality rates. The HA2020 protective factor measure of increasing the percentage of adolescents with 3 or more adults that they felt comfortable seeking help from (LHI 10) showed a little progress toward the 2020 target. The HA2030 teams decided to maintain this as a 2030 objective to highlight that upstream factors have a critical role in addressing downstream indicators such as suicide mortality rates.
The HA2030 team also included a new protective factor objective focused on increasing the percentage of adolescents who feel like they matter to people in their community. The feeling of mattering to the community can help reduce adolescent risk for self-harm and other risk factor behaviors. The HA2030 team chose this objective over other potential protective factor objectives since it has a solid data base measured by the YRBS and evidence-based strategies and actions to support implementation efforts to reach the target.
Strategy Evidence Base: Addressing a Crisis: Cross Sector Strategies to Prevent Adolescent Substance Use and Suicide (2019); Fostering Healthy Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Development in Children and Youth: A National Agenda. (2019); Identifying Protective Factors to Promote Health in American Indian and Alaska Native Adolescents: A Literature Review (2017); School Climate Research Summary (2012); School connectedness: Strategies for increasing protective factors among youth (2009); Shared Risk and Protective Factors Impacting Adolescent Behavior and Development (2019).
Strategy evidence base: Addressing a Crisis: Cross Sector Strategies to Prevent Adolescent Substance Use and Suicide (2019); A meta-analysis of after-school programs that seek to promote personal and social skills in children and adolescents (2010); Expanding minds and opportunities: Leveraging the power of afterschool and summer learning for student success. (2013); Protective Factors for Youth Substance Abuse and Delinquency: The Role of Afterschool Programs. (2018); Extracurricular Involvement and Adolescent Adjustment: Impact of Duration, Number of Activities, and Breadth of Participation (2006); Shared Risk and Protective Factors Impacting Adolescent Behavior and Development (2019).
Strategy evidence base: Addressing a Crisis: Cross Sector Strategies to Prevent Adolescent Substance Use and Suicide (2019); Fostering Healthy Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Development in Children and Youth: A National Agenda. (2019); Identifying Protective Factors to Promote Health in American Indian and Alaska Native Adolescents: A Literature Review.(2017); Connecting the Dots: An Overview of the Links among Multiple Forms of Violence (2014). To Live To See the Great Day That Dawns: Preventing Suicide by American Indian and Alaska Native Youth and Young Adults. (2010) Community Programs to Promote Youth Development (2002); Shared Risk and Protective Factors Impacting Adolescent Behavior and Development (2019).
Strategy Evidence Base: School connectedness: Strategies for increasing protective factors among youth (2009); Places to Be Places to Belong: Youth Connectedness in School and Community (2005); Developmental Assets: A Synthesis of the Scientific Research on Adolescent Development (2004); Community Programs to Promote Youth Development (2002); Identifying Protective Factors to Promote Health in American Indian and Alaska Native Adolescents: A Literature Review (2017); Motivation for Learning: Youth (Alaska) for Educational Change (1999); Action Civics for Promoting Civic Development (2016). Shared Risk and Protective Factors Impacting Adolescent Behavior and Development (2019).
Strategy evidence base: Community Programs to Promote Youth Development (2002); Places to Be Places to Belong: Youth Connectedness in School and Community (2005); The Psychology and Practice of Youth-Adult Partnership (2012); Support for Efficacy and Mattering (Undated); Developmental Assets: A Synthesis of the Scientific Research on Adolescent Development (2004); Youth’s Perception of Mattering, Being Valued and Connecting to their Community (2016); Being useful: achieving indigenous youth involvement in a community-based participatory research project in Alaska (2012); Identifying Protective Factors to Promote Health in American Indian and Alaska Native Adolescents: A Literature Review (2017); Shared Risk and Protective Factors Impacting Adolescent Behavior and Development (2019).
Strategy evidence base: Youth-Adult Partnerships in Decision Making (2008); Places to Be Places to Belong: Youth Connectedness in School and Community (2005); Developmental Assets: A Synthesis of the Scientific Research on Adolescent Development (2004) Building Effective Youth Councils (2007); Involving Youth on Boards with Elected Officials: Core Elements of Program Design (2010); Youth Participation in Public Policy at the Local Level (2010)
January 31, 2023
February 4, 2021
August 5, 2020
January 22, 2020
December 9, 2019