Physical activity is strongly linked to many important health outcomes and remains an important priority health topic for Alaskans. Physical activity was monitored in the HA2020 plan with the LHI’s 6a and 6b, focusing separately on adults and adolescents meeting the national recommendations on physical activity. Neither of the HA2020 indicators’ targets were met; therefore the HA2030 teams decided to continue to keep increasing physical activity as a priority for HA2030.
The Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide) recommends health communication campaigns that use multiple channels, one of which must be mass media, combined with the distribution of free or reduced-price health-related products.Community-wide physical activity campaigns involve many community sectors, include highly visible, broad-based, multi-component strategies (e.g., social support, risk factor screening or health education) and may address cardiovascular disease risk factors (CG-Physical activity). There is strong scientific evidence that community wide campaigns effectively increase levels of physical activity and energy expenditure and increase knowledge about physical activity and self-reported intentions to be more physically active.
This is an overarching strategy, as wellness policies may have any of several evidence-based components, including:
January 31, 2023
February 4, 2021
August 5, 2020
January 22, 2020
December 9, 2019